Oct 30, 2010

Decisions, Doubts and Dilemmas - pt 3

No man is an island.

Clichéd as this phrase may sound, the truth of it can’t be denied. No one can function without fellow human beings. That’s why we need company.

Family. Friends. Acquaintances. Colleagues. Neighbours.

The One. The “I do”, the partner of your life.

Maybe this dilemma sounds shallow to you. Maybe it sounds insignificant, or even ridiculous.

My housemates presented the question:

Studying to be a doctor, you’re graduating(those under JPA scholarship) when you’re approximately 26 years old. After that is 2 years of housemanship, where you spend most of your 24 hours in the hospital. If you want to pursue a specialist or surgical degree and after that a sub-specialist, you’ll end up around 37 years old.

For males? Single and available with money. Attractive, no?

For females? Oops!

Will you have time to marry and have kids? Will you be a good wife and mother? Will your spouse understand your life? Are you willing to sacrifice hours for work, or to sacrifice work for family?

Our solution: Buy a big house for the single old ladies in the medical field and live together. xD


Choosing this path, I’ve had my moments of doubt. I’ve pondered on this choice of mine far too frequent, I’ve asked questions unanswered and I’m still unsure whether I've made the correct decision.

But walking on, I realised that I’ve never regretted wanting to be a doctor.

And maybe this will make all the difference.


  1. it's never easy, making a choice. no matter how big or how small the decision. esp when you know you have no turning back.

    there will be times of doubt, there will be questions; but as you said, you have no regrets, and that is what matters most. :)

    because as long as it is your passion, you will pull through. no matter what life throws at you, you will be able to handle it. sacrifices will be necessary, but they will be worthwhile when you find the meaning in them.

    you have chosen a noble path. one that requires selflessness. this is greatness in itself. not many are destined for it. ;) stay true to yourself and you will find joy. :D

    k i'm starting to sound reaaaaaaaaaallll oldddddd. imma stop now. xD sorry if it was kinda long-winded. haha. be strong kays! i've got your back. :)

    p/s years later, you'll look back and hopefully, be proud of yourself for making this decision. :)

  2. female doctors still marry... so don't worry too much. Just live the day you are living. X)
