Oct 7, 2009

status quos and stereotypes?

---stick to the status quo---

I believe all the HSM fans out there should be quite familiar with this song, which was played after the high school kids knew about the callbacks [of troy and gabriella] and a few of them started confessing [about their secret passions]. As you see, their so-called friends acted all oh-so-caring and pulled some oh-i'm-so-supportive stunts... it was all "speak your mind and you'll be heard" before they confess but after that? ---> "NOT ANOTHER SOUND~" (Ooops ><)

(*cite lyrics)
"no no no NO! stick to the scope you know~ It is better by far, to keep things as they are, don't mess with the flow, no NO. STICK TO THE STATUS QUO~"

I think this song, like many other HSM songs, portrays quite accurately how things are. In truth, we are being labelled with a "name", by our peers, teachers and all the people out there. Typical stereotyping. Yea, jocks must stick to sports, nerds should stay buried in books... oooh, that guy is gay [and should stay gay]~ oooh, you heard about that flirt? well, she....*whispers, sneers + snickers*

stereotyping, stereotyping, and more stereotyping.

well, as if stereotyping itself is not enough, we have to be stereotyped and then sorted into different groups, stuck into different scopes, the so-called status quo. Say, law of segregation and law of independent assortments? maybe one day we'll be given a book of ethics with all these idiotic rules and regulations...

---book of ethics for nerds---
rule 1: thou shalt wear glasses... thick, black colour frames, 1970-styled. Other types are strictly prohibited
rule 2: thou shalt stick a book to your nose. Elephant glue is the best option, but during hard times, or when you run out of stock, UHU is permitted too.
rule 3: try to read a book as you walk and try your best to slam into anything by the road. Lamp posts, people, walls~ the harder the better. Fainting is recommended. It shows a lack of attention to anything except your books.

so it goes on....

For example, say our class --- 5s1. Criticisms after criticisms, scoldings and more scoldings. (I have no doubt that if spankings and wallopings are allowed, most teachers teaching our class will definitely do that, gladly, you may say) Our class reputation has always been bad, and teachers tend to be ill-disposed towards our class...

"I've HEARD that this year's 5s1 is the worst of all times. Now I see that all THE THINGS THEY SAY are indeed true"

honestly, lots of teachers said that to us this year. I admit, there are indeed some attitude problems in our class. But on the other hand, they were prejudiced, forming an opinion of us beforehand based on all those 'facts' they hear about all the time. Well, it's hard to do away prejudice, just like on the contrary, it's comparatively very easy to wreck a good opinion. Roman isn't built in a day, they say. But believe me, Roman can very well be destroyed in one day. You may spend decades and decades building up your reputation, but one false step, one wrong move.... "tadaa~" you're doomed. And just remember, a tarnished reputation is a tarnished reputation. No matter how vigorously you scrub and rub, that black spot [real or imaginary] will be stuck there forever......

Well, what's with the theory that s1ers

1) should complete all their work, should study welllll~ ahead, should be attentive in class...
2) should set a good example, should be the best...
3) are arrogant jerks who look down on those who are not good enough academically...
4) are bookworms who read-study-read AND study all day long and no, we don't like PJ lessons, we prefer encyclopedia reading instead....

etc. etc. the list goes on and on...

Just remember that this is just an example... complaining is not my main point... it's just a subtopic. *winks*

For once, why can't they rip of those labels and treat us like normal persons. Hey, stop that branding and labelling~ The last time I checked, I'm a normal teenager, not a can of pork meat for sale on the supermarket shelf. I do not need a label, thank you.

And then, even exam papers are marked differently, according to your class. The answer may be accepted in s10, but not in s1 (this is not a discrimination, just an example....). Why? "Your understanding should be better, therefore your presentation skills should be better". In another case, your essay marks have to be deducted. Why? "Your marks are higher than the s1ers, and it is UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED that s1ers should do better in exams"

Deeply rooted notions, and so here we are, once again, branded.

Anyone, pork meat?

note: i noticed that i kinda mixed up "stereotyping" and "sticking to the status quo" along the way. But I was halfway through and I would have to rewrite it if i wanted to change it. So, sorry about that....

fishtail yu

1 comment:

  1. Another well written post.

    That's what happens when we are 'different', when we don't fit into the stereotype.
    Well, so be it. They can judge us however they want. We're outta here anyway. One day, they'll just have to learn to judge us as we are, not based on preconceived ideas of how we are 'supposed' to be.
    It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. It simply won't fit, and the peg is deemed useless.
    Or comparing a lemon to a sea of oranges. Of course the lemon will be the most sour of the lot. It's how it's supposed to be. But will it be penalised for being it? Yes. It always will.

    Love the 'can of pork meat' analogy! :D
